Monday, April 15, 2013

My OWN Food Rules!

I absolutely hate being asked what diet I am on!!!  I mostly get annoyed by this question because I don't really have an easy answer.  

I'm not on any commercial diet.  I guess I would associate what I choose to eat as more Paleo based but I'm not 100% dedicated Paleo either.  But when I think of diet I instantly think deprivation.  I am NOT being deprived of anything.  I eat food and most days a lot of it.  I don't shy from stew for breakfast and steak before bed.  I eat to fuel my activity level and I eat real, unprocessed food.  I eat on a pretty predictable schedule and I rarely feel hungry (if I do its because I got distracted or busy or was not prepared with food on hand).  I sometimes have treats and sometimes I can't stop eating those treats (which I pay for physically and emotionally).  I drink alcohol when I want to and I still haven't given up Ketchup (and don't plan to).  I eat carbs (just not the breads and grains most people only associate carbs to be) and no I don't really eat a lot of fruit because I just don't care to. I don't shy away from healthy fats and absolutely hate chicken breasts now that I tried chicken thighs.  I took dairy out a long time ago and see no place for it in my life unless of course it is a decadent cheese cake or cream in my coffee. Overall, I function quite well on a low carb-high protein/fat intake and I have ample energy, low body fat, strong muscles, and a good digestive system.  So NO - I am not on any specific diet.

I used to try commercially marketed diets - whatever fad was out at the time.  I tried many of them for short periods of time, none for any real reason.  Mostly I just remember how unhealthy, unhappy, hungry, and miserable I was. I think in many ways I tried diets to deal with my body image insecurities at the time, but looking back on it now I really feel like I was just trying to figure out my beliefs about food and eating.  It has been a long road getting to where I am right now but the best thing I was ever challenged to do was write out my own food rules.  On occasion I may do a specific challenge, or a detox, or go completely sugar free, or be a little more restrictive to bring things back to normal after a longer bout of disregarding my own rules...but I am proud to say that I am no longer on any specific diet!

My Food Rules (written for myself by myself):

1.  Eat real food (organic when you can, minimally processed, know the ingredients)
2.  Eat 3 meals a day with the occasional snack as needed (workout days)
3.  Snacks are mini meals - not to be confused with treats!
4.  Eat meat, vegetables, and healthy fats with every meal / snack.
5.  Don't eat foods that you know make you feel unwell like gluten, dairy, refined sugars, and excessive sweets even if they were made with natural ingredients!  If you do - accept the consequences.  
6.  Limit nuts and fruit because you know you over eat them so practice portion control.
7.  Savor each cup of coffee - you know you love 1-2 in the morning and 1 in the afternoon but to drinking nothing but coffee all day is no longer allowed.  And stop ordering XL's - you never finish them!  Heavy cream is ok but enjoy good coffee black sometimes!
8.  Drink at least 1 liter of plain water each day - that's really only 2 large glasses!
9.  Drink more tea.  Especially green tea in replace of coffee and when you feel post-meal sweet cravings!
10.  Don't eat until you are stuffed!
11.  Take your vitamins!  Use only good quality, natural ones and supplement wisely.
12.  Allow yourself 3 treats per week - asking yourself if this "treat" is:
         -  Worth it?
         -  Is it just a treat or an excuse/coping mechanism?
         -  Do you really want it?
         -  Are you alone and hiding it or in a social setting?
         -  Will you regret this treat emotionally or physically?
13.  Experiment!  Enjoy new recipes, do your own baking, and try new foods!  Don't get bored!
14.  Eat foods that help heal and nourish your skin, fuel your activity level, and promote good overall health.
15.  Keep up with your food prep and baking!!

So no - you won't find my food rules in any book on a book shelf although there are several that are found within popular diet cultures right now.  From experience and education I have laid out my own rules influenced by a few factors:

-  My own opinion and morals based around food and nourishment
-  My trainer's guidance and encouragement
-  My goals and the demands of my physical activity
-  Popular resources primarily found within the Paleo community
-  My past relationship with food going all the way back to my childhood
-  What I have learnt about my own body and how it responds to certain foods

I love my food rules!   I don't really worry about breaking them because every single one of them is designed around my personal choices and preferences - designed for success.  If I do stray from my rules - it is almost always a conscious choice to do so or a result of a very very bad day.  It may also be that I'm at my mother-in-law's where there is no shortage of treats and baking to test the depths of my willpower.   And really - so what if I break them?! I'm only failing myself and from past experience I am not concerned about my ability to get back on track and carry on.  

And the last allowance I have set for myself is the ability to change my mind and re-define my rules as I evolve, as I set new goals, and as I gain new knowledge and experience.

Now to print them up and put them out where I can be reminded of them!


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